Upgrade to Aeromixer


The ONE pump that can Mix + Aerate


What does Aeromixer do?

1. Saves a ton of TIME

Whether you are using Organics or Synthetics, mixing your fertilizer in solution is a MUST! Most farmers feed their garden a couple times a week, and some every day. That's a lot of mixing! Aeromixer makes this a breeze, saving you a collective TON OF TIME!

Most growers save dozens hours per WEEK when switching to Aeromixer.

2. How does it work?

The process is simple:

  1. 1. Install Aeromixer
  2. 2. Introduce additives
  3. 3. Aeromix and relax!

Aeromixer uses patented Aerojet technology to push out 4,450 Gallons of water per hour!

Mixes 15-3000 Gallon tanks like a champ ✔️


3. Bigger, Healthier Plants

Not only do you save time with Aeromixer, but your plants will be stronger and healthier. Heres why...

Suspending Nutrients is key

This is a representation of an average feed tank with a basic sump pump and airstone set up.

Notice how all of the nutrients settle on the bottom of the tank. When feeding from this tank some plants will get no nutrients while others will get too many.


Below is what a tank using an Aeromixer looks like.

When you go to feed this ensures an even mix and allows all plants to soak up an equal amount of nutrients. This results in leaving barely any sediment on the bottom of the tank!


Here is a side by side view...


Need more PROOF!?

We are a small company based out of Phoenix, Oregon. We have awesome support, if anything goes wrong we want to be the first to know and help. Our support line is always open if you have any questions! Just check out a few of our 250+ 5 Star Reviews.